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Lecture Notes

 06/01/2021 Research Page Secondary first, and primary second This unit is for you to aim at a new audience Explain what the audiences can be, all possible audiences Demographic = who is watching (statistical) Age Gender Religion Race Disability Sexuality Occupation Cultural Identity Social Class Interests Income Psychographic = why they are watching Geodemographic = where they are watching First guess demographic, next guess psychographic. Think of 5 TV channels that suit your piece Research the demographic profile for those channels. Find statistics, pie charts, data etc. Look at the viewing habits of your audience. (google statistics, google books) For geodemographic, write what country. 20th Jan Characters in my piece: Presenters - tell the stories Experts - Give facts and verify the stories Interviewees - Gives a personal touch that the audience can relate to Laura Mulvey: Laura is a feminist film theorist, she talks about the male gaze, the female gaze and the queer gaze. She tal

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