
 I had a pretty basic setup of two cameras. I had to set up a hide using camouflage netting so that I could film without the birds seeing me and getting scared off, and to get them doing their natural behaviour. The only problem was that the netting kept getting in the way of the lens, so I attached the netting to the side of the camera with the lens poking through the hole to solve this issue and it was fine after that.

The edit was annoying because my laptop was very bad at running premier pro so it crashed a lot. I saved frequently and took a lot of breaks so the computer didn't overheat which took longer but saved me time overall on redoing work.

I think it went smoothly because I did not need to collaborate with any actors or extra crew members which meant I could film and edit on a schedule that suited me and I could make last minute changes without effecting anyone.

Finished Piece


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