
 Idea 1

Idea 1 is to create a cooking show. It will be simple, one person showing us how to make a recipe. It would probably be set in my kitchen with one of my family members doing the cooking as I am unsure how COVID will affect this production. The benefits of this are that it has a small cast, meaning less people to organise. I can have flexible shooting times since it will be at home with my family. And there is less COVID risk since I would not be bringing any outside crew in. The downsides are that my kitchen is not really built for filming. The space is small and the worktops are against walls so it would be hard to get good angles and closeups. Also there is a lot of background noise in my house such as other people and pets which could mess up the takes.

Idea 2

My second idea is to create a news broadcast. I would film all the cutaways for the introduction myself, and bring in one person to be the news reader. The benefits of this are that it is mostly just me that is needed for the filming, meaning that again I do not need to organise many people and there is less COVID risk. I can also use the studio to film the main broadcast as it can look professional. The downsides are that I would have to travel to a lot of different locations to film the clips for the introduction. This would involve organising transport as I cannot drive, it is also very time consuming to do a lot of location recces, risk assessments and find out who owns areas to do release forms. It is also not as COVID safe.

Idea 3

My third and final idea is to create a gameshow. I would probably have two contestants and a host, and do some sort of quiz. The benefits of this are that it would create a lot of footage for me to work with, and give me lots of options to explore for ways to go with this. The downsides are that gameshows are harder to script so harder to direct, I would have to find a suitable set, having more cast means it is less COVID safe and also to create the right atmosphere I would need to do a lot of audio work with laugh tracks, applause etc.


I have decided to do the news broadcast as I feel that it will be challenging but not too much so that I don't complete it. I feel that it will be fun and interesting, also it is completely different to anything I have done before so I will develop new skills and learn new things. I feel like I can do this within the timeframe to a quality that I like.



Written By

Jay Harness

Working Title




Write a short outline of your show – briefly mentioning the main actors.

A news broadcast aimed at children aged 8-12. It will have short, light-hearted segments to keep the interest of the audience while still giving them all the relevant information. There will be two presenters, one male and one female to present each segment and some “experts” to refer to each story, to show that the facts are genuine and true. There will also be witnesses and interviewees.









Say where and when the show happens – you need to describe the set

The set will be laid out like an adult news set with a desk and other professional objects. However the difference is that the colour scheme will be bright and eye catching to hols the attention of the audience. There will also be space for the presenters to get up and move around.







Say what type of programme it will be – will it be naturalistic, melodramatic or comic? 

A typical news broadcast but more light-hearted for children.





Narrative Structure

Say how the programme is broken down - is the story told in chronological order and are there sub plots?

At the beginning there will be an intro sequence of video clips and a countdown like you see on most news shows. Then the presenters will introduce themselves and give a brief rundown of the stories that will be covered during the show. They will then go into each story more in-depth with cutaways and interviews etc. To finish there will be a conclusion and an outro.







Explain how the show will lookthis will include the style of camerawork, the use of colour and the use of lighting

The set will be bright and colourful, with lots of lights, but no patterns. This is so it catches the eye of the audience but does not distract them from the presenters. There will be multiple cameras: a wide angle on both presenters, close ups on each of the presenters faces, different angles of the set and various other shots. These will all be stationary. There will also be  camera to pan between the presenters to create variety and keep the audience engaged. The lights will be centred on the presenters to keep them well lit and the focus of attention.







Explain how you will use sound to help tell the story – how you will combine the four layers of film sound to add to the total effect

The intro will have upbeat music to engage the audience and create the atmosphere of a fun show that they will enjoy. There will be short sound effects for cutaways and between segments. The outro will also have upbeat music. For the main show the focus will be on the presenters speech.







Explain the cutting of shots and the use of transitionswhat kind of pace will you have, and how you move from one scene to the next

It will be fast paced because my target audience tends to have a short attention span. I will use quick cuts to keep the pace fast between scenes with crossfades between major scene changes to differentiate.







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