

In the ideas phase I tried to come up with multiple ideas of pieces I could make including a cooking show and a gameshow. These were not possible because of location/actor restrictions due to lockdown. I also had to slightly change my idea at the end also due to lockdown. While I could not predict lockdown rules in advance I could have created a solid plan B that would have worked in any restriction rather than a vague idea. Next time I will consider all possibilities of things stopping the project and plan around them or come up with multiple plans.


My research went pretty well, I think I covered all the areas I needed to and it helped me create my piece. The only problem was that since I had to change my idea my target audience research wasn't quite accurate. So this meant my piece was not entirely accurate to the target audience. Next time I will entirely research my plan B so this does not happen again. The gazes research was very helpful for me to change my piece to suit who I wanted to target. So I learned that the right research can be very valuable. Now I will know to include the gazes in my next pieces to enhance the finished product.


My planning went well as I got all the paperwork I needed. This meant that production went smoothly. Next time I will make sure I get all the paperwork done on time again because it helped a lot. I did not need all the paperwork because I did not have any cast or crew that was not myself but I did have a risk assessment, a script and a rough storyboard.


Production went pretty well. I could not get the high quality cameras that I wanted to film with because the college was not open due to COVID and there was nothing I could do about that. Despite this, I feel like I got good shots that worked well with my piece and looked good. There isn't really anything I would change next time for this.


I think the project overall went well considering the limitations I had. I was a lot more prepared for this project but there is still things I could improve upon for next time especially regarding having a back up plan. I am happy with the finished product and think I adapted well to the things that went wrong.


Padlet link this is where I wrote about the theories I used in my piece. Looking at what others wrote helped me develop my own research into this topic and overall better use these theories to adapt my own piece and make the final product more effective.


  1. FORMATIVE : How do you intend to use your film theory and multi-camera in your piece? (write on research page).

    Check that you have all of the planning documentation uploaded into your blogger e.g. risk, shotlist…

    Embed your piece to your blogger production page! Where is the film?

    Show sound and other asset development e.g. your graphics knowledge and learning. And how did your piece reach your intended audience? Your assessment grading can improve if you show your development on this page as they are interconnected…. If you upload your piece and explain HOW you worked in your audience theory and how you found your demographic? How did your plans change due to Covid restrictions?

    Evaluation… structure your reflection and evaluation using this guide.


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